Looking for money belts? Look no further than this a simple waist-worn under-clothing solution. It comes in our soft-to-the-touch washable moisture-resistant natural silk fabric. Complete with two zippered pockets for secure organization of documents and other personal identification items you want to keep out of sight, and a soft elastic waistband with strap keeper. When you're not wearing this money belt simply tuck the strap in the slip pocket on the back, which was conveniently made for waist strap storage. Travel solutions that make sense.
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Eagle Creek säger om Silk Undercover Money Belt
Letar du efter penningbälten? Titta inte längre än detta en enkel midja bär underkläder lösning. Den finns i vårt mjuk-till-det-tvättade, fukttåliga natursilketyg. Komplett med två fickor med dragkedja för säker organisation av dokument och andra personliga identifieringsartiklar som du vill hålla utom synhåll, och en mjuk elastisk midja med remhållare. När du inte bär detta penningbälte stoppar du bara in remmen i slipfickan på baksidan, som var bekvämt gjord för midjebältesförvaring. Reselösningar som är vettiga.
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Looking for money belts? Look no further than this a simple waist-worn under-clothing solution. It comes in our soft-to-the-touch washable moisture-resistant natural silk fabric. Complete with two zippered pockets for secure organization of documents and other personal identification items you want to keep out of sight, and a soft elastic waistband with strap keeper.
When you’re not wearing this money belt simply tuck the strap in the slip pocket on the back, which was conveniently made for waist strap storage. Travel solutions that make sense.
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